Benchmarking - Vehicle / System level Target setting
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Benchmarking - Vehicle / System level Target setting
A) Basic Teardown (System, Sub-system & Component Levels)
1. Tear-down Activities
Overview Picture of Vehicle Exterior & Interior, Infotainment system & cluster information, Suspensions & special features analysis, Gap and Flush Analysis, Physical Measurement LWH of the vehicle, Effort measurements etc
Global Vehicle photographs
Vehicle Physical Measurements
These are nothing but Finding the front and rear axle load difference weights of an Vehicle at two different conditions.
Curb Weight
Tear down is a specialized task in automotive benchmark. Most of the vehicle manufactures spend lot of resources and time in teardown activities to get the most out of benchmarking activity.Tear down reveals the key components and features of a vehicle or system, which is required to set target for the new vehicle development.
We at GSaqure help to identify the step by step activities in a teardown. This is classified as Pre teardown, on teardown and post teardown.
Pre Tear Down
Static performance
Gap & flushness
Features assessment
On Tear Down
Fastener size
Tool access
Post Tear Down
BOM & Weight analysis
Overall fasteners variants
Fluid volume Qty
Material classification
Manufacturer information’s