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Steering & Suspension

Steering & Suspension

Design Scope

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    Design of various sub-systems of Suspension and Steering Linkage
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    Concept design and tolerance analysis
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    Competitive Benchmarking
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    Engineering Change Management, Test Fixture Design
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    Specification management
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    FMEA support
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    Design Optimization and inertia relief analysis for control arms
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    Value Engineering
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    IMDS & Reach support

Design Simulation - Steering

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    Simulation studies to identify life-limiting regions for various load scenarios such as torque to failure & road loads
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    Collapse of steering column for driver’s safety (various test scenarios)
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    Studies on estimation of cam lever efforts
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    Detailed stress distribution studies on rack bending in scenarios such as curb push-off & 4-point bending
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    Topology optimization studies on column assembly for target frequencies
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    Optimization of retention clips and energy absorbing (EA) straps
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    Field failure studies of housings & their redesign to withstand road loads
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    Stiffness studies of column assembly in all operable conditions

Design Simulation - Linkage & Suspension Systems

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    Topology optimization of Linkage & Suspension elements (control arms, tie rods and tension struts) for various target loads
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    DoE studies for selection of optimum parameters for radial and axial stiffness
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    Metal forming analysis for inner ball joints & stabilizing bars
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    Fatigue life estimations on ball studs for radial loads
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    Estimation of pull-out forces of ball pins
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    Assembly process and articulation of bellows and optimization of profiles